KOLDO MITXELENA III ··· día 3 - gaztejarduerak
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"Today we got up, we went to the bathroom and we changed clothes and we went to have breakfast.
After the breakfast we had two activities, which were a gardening activity with Aimar, and the Pass the Bomb. Later we had the snack and some free time. After the snack we did the last activity of the morning which was the photorally. Then we had free time, we played football and at 13.30 we went to have lunch."
Nika, Mikel, Mariangel, Isabela.
"In the afternoon we played a game and then we had free time to lunch and play football, then we did our Dragon's Den presentations and now we are going to the shower. After the shower we are going to dinner and then we are going to do a night activity."
Jamal, Enaitz, Aimar.
Hoy no ha parado de llover, a la mañana hemos hecho diferentes actividades en Barria, nos hemos separado en tres diferentes grupos y hemos hecho tres actividades diferentes a lo largo del día: Pass the bomb, Photorally y el Gardening Activity con Aimar. Después de probar todas las actividades, hemos ido a comer.
A la tarde, como seguía lloviendo, hemos empezado a hacer nuestras presentaciones del Dragon's Den, y también hemos jugado al Family Feud.
Hemos terminado el día haciendo un Listening Activity interactivo con nuestros monitores.