PAULA MONTAL ··· día 4 - gaztejarduerak
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La lluvia no nos ha permitido ir al monte de Araia, pero en vez de eso hemos ido a Zalduondo y hemos jugado a juedos diferentes en el frontón. A la tarde, hemos jugado al "forgers" y nos hemos motivado mucho! Pero lo mejor está por venir, y es que después de cenar... ¡¡¡tenemos discoteca!!!
"We wanted to go to Araia but we couldn't go because of the rain, so we went to a village and we played a lot of games. After that, we took the bus and came back to Barria. For lunch, we had potatoes."
By: Ainara, Adelina, Izaro, Nouredine and Nichita.
"After having lunch, we had some free time. On that time, Rafa made us make some questions to debate. We started playing a game but everybody was cheating and some people got angry. Then we had snack and we started playing the game again but fairly. We all then were playing happy. Tonight is disco night and we are going to have a lot of fun!
By: Unai, Ginairys, Josu and Victor.