KOLDO MITXELENA II ··· 3. eguna - gaztejarduerak
Eduki publikatzailea
"In the morning we had breakfast and we danced for 5 minutes. Then we have done 3 activities: Photorally, Pass the Bomb and the Gardening Activity. We have tried all 3 of the activities.
In the middle of the activities we had lunch. We have eaten lentils, meat and icecream."
Abu, Eidan, Nahia eta Sara.
"We played a game with numbers and we played duchball. After, we played to the assassin with the cards. The we had the snack, after that we had free time where we played football and play in the park. When we have finished the free time, we have done the Dragon's Den's presentations.
Later, we went to take a shower, we had dinner and we did the night activity, a trivial."
Beñat, Ekaitz, Eneko and Libe
Gaurko egunean zehar jolas eta ariketa ezberdinak egin ditugu. Eguna ondo hasteko gure eguneroko dantzarekin esnatu dugu taldea. Behin esnatuta, 3 taldetan banatu gara ariketa ezberdinak egiteko: Photorally, Pass the Bomb eta Gardening Activity-a ( non Aimarrek Barriaren hortuaren berezitasunak azaldu dizkigun ).
Arratsaldean, Duchballean aritu gara gure monitoreekin, orduerdi jolasten egon eta gero, monitoreek gure gelara eraman gaituzte Hiltzailearen jolasera jolasteko kartekin. Denbora Librea eta gero, gure Dragon's Deneko proiektuak aurkeztu behar izan ditugu.
Eguna Trivia jolas batekin amaitu dugu.